Cause Célèbre: A Short History of Trans People at the oscars
In anticipation of Sunday’s Oscars broadcast and the chaos surrounding Emilia Perez, Caden Mark Gardner explores the Academy Awards historically fraught relationship with transness in “Cause Célèbre: A Short Trans History of the Oscars.”

Mannequin: A Club Kid Congregation
Atlanta's cutest club kids gathered in East Atlanta Village at The Basement for the first Mannequin party!

A Trans with a Movie Camera - the Directors of Contemporary Trans Cinema
The Authors of Corpses, Fools and Monsters on the Directors of Contemporary Trans Cinema

Interview: Softee’s Queer Pop Hit ‘Isn’t Enough’ Remix by Macy Rodman

Macy Rodman’s Electro-pop vivarium of ‘Unbelievable Animals’
We dive into Macy Rodman’s sprawling new breakup album, Unbelievable Animals out now on Accidental Popstar Records.

Loudspeaker :: Preview of Villainy by Andrea Abi-Karam
“The words are loud, impossible to dismiss, and glimmering, a glittery mess of language.” Check out this review of the new poetry collection by Andrea Abi-Karam.

In Vestirse, John E. Kilberg Explores the thorny & reflexive beauty of translating one’s self
Catch Vestirse at Out on Film in Atlanta, September 23 to October 3.

The Intersection Presents "Southern Black Trans Lives Matter" video series
Artist and activists Taylor Alxndr, Cortez Wright, and Jesse Pratt López appear on the first episode of 'Southern Black Trans Lives Matter', produced by The Intersection.

The Trans Agenda: Is Nightlife Enough?
This week, Iv dishes on community and "safe spaces" in nightlife.

Trans Agenda: Being Trans Doesn't Make Me Queer, continued
To be queer, or not to be queer? That is the question.

Does the T Belong in LGBT?
Why is the “T” included in “LGBT”?

Trans Agenda: How to Get Through the Holiday Season!
How to get through the holidays as a Queer and Trans person!

Call Me Marina: Ms. White Drops a Transformative EP
Our review of Ms. White’s latest release, ‘Marina’.

Trans Agenda: Unemployment in the Trans Community
Watch as Culture Editor Iv Fischer discusses media representation, job stability, and opportunities for trans people.

Being Trans Doesn't Automatically Make Me Queer
What Does the "Q" in LGBTQ+ Really Mean?

The Trans Agenda: Hands Off My Body
Keep y’alls hands to y’allselves!

How Black Trans Leaders are Paving the Way in Atlanta
Toni-Michelle Williams and the team at SNaP Co are doing the work.

'Dragula' is the Future of Drag and 'Drag Race' is a Tired Ass Showgirl
The Boulet Brothers’ Dragula continues a queer legacy of embracing darkness and outcasts.

The Trans Agenda: More Tips for Medically Transitioning
Iv Fischer discusses more tips for transitioning in the latest episode of The Trans Agenda.

The Trans Agenda: Why is Black hair viewed as masculine?
Culture Editor Iv Fischer discusses the implications of natural hair for Black women.