Not Every Body is a Beach Body: On Public Policing of Gender-Nonconformity
Gender-nonconforming people are subject to unjust social policing, shaming, staring, and gawking in every public space.
Normal as a Political Weapon: On Queer Assimilation and Pride Season
Pride month is as much about celebrating as it is about reflecting on what “gay liberation” means to queer people today.
Queer Movements: Forging Self and Community in Anti-Queer Landscapes
Anti-queer antagonism can make even the most open public space feel like a battle ground.
How Communities Pathologized Sex Workers
Gentrification, community development, and the demonization of sex work.
Invisible Work: On Loving While Queer and Mentally Ill
Learning to love can be a continuous unraveling for queer people.
On Femininity and Being a Fierce, Autonomous, Radical, Queer Femme
Interviews and dissections on what it means to be a radical, queer femme.
Double Edged Sword: Queer Activism in the Internet Age
For everything the internet has given to queer people, it has also challenged us—our histories, our communities, our sense of self.
Activist Fatigue: Advocating for Queer People in Conservative Southern Space
We need our allies to continue speaking up and speaking loud.
Intersectional Activism & Early Gay Liberation in Southwest Virginia
A brief history on the lack of intersectional activism in early gay liberation movements in Southwest Virginia.