LOUDSPEAKER:: Poetry by Ken Anderson

WUSSY is proud to present poetry by Ken Anderson.
If you would like to send in a writing submission, please contact 
Nicholas Goodly


A yearbook defibrillated his memory,
and a grungy ghost would knock
on your door
and pluck you ripe
that night.

Your very own Demian had come
to point the way
to you, to me. But did he drop
from the sky
or rise
from the depths
of yourself? Or had he walked
beside you, as
in high school, all along?

At first, you thought
such sex no more a part
of you
than breasts, but then the devil traded his horns
for a halo —maybe a leather biker cap?— his pitchfork
for a harp —or was it a guitar?—
and strummed a serenade.

Today, a letter arrived, studded
with stars. He says
he speaks
at City Hall, performs his songs
by the Golden Gate, and hands out love-laced daffodils
on Castro Street.

Ken Anderson was a finalist in the 2021 Saints and Sinners poetry contest. His novel Sea Change: An Example of the Pleasure Principle was a finalist for the 2012 Ferro-Grumley Award and an Independent Publisher Editor’s Choice. His novel Someone Bought the House on the Island was a finalist in the Independent Publisher Book Awards. A stage adaptation won the Saints and Sinners Playwriting Contest and premiered May 2, 2008, at the Marigny Theater in New Orleans.Opening Text Block. Add whatever Custom Blocks you need for each post!


gallery: Milk & Dahli at my sister’s room and city winery atlanta


LOUDSPEAKER:: Poetry by Parker Thornton