Breastworld: The RuCap

Is it just me or does anyone else feel like this season has been going on for years?

I for real feel like old lady from the's been 84 years, bitch!

Let's throw some shade and spill some T on episode 9, or as i like to call it Restworld: where all the queens just rest through the episode.


Mini Challenge

The mini challenge this week was a huge letdown. The mini challenges have been great because we get to see the queens' personalities, but in this mini challenge, they weren't allowed to do so. The queens must match pairs of Rounderbum underwear that the Pit Crew and co are modeling.

I dunno about y'all but I have a couple issues with this mini challenge. From the unrealistic bodies of the pit crew (seriously Ru can we please get one guy that is a little thicker?) to the terrible “butt-lifting technology” in the ill-fitting underwear, this was the worst mini challenge of the season. Andy Cohen, you’re safe.


Maxi Challenge

The Maxi Challenge this week is to act in a parody of my favorite show of 2017… Breastworld. This was one of the most catastrophic trainwrecks of an acting challenge, the likes of which we haven't seen since….well….weeks ago during Fibster.



Asia O'Hara - As Para Sailin, she brought much needed energy to a lackluster acting challenge.

Monet X Change - Monet was able to insert herself into the challenge and really shines again. She’s on a hot streak, but i just wish her runway would match the talent she's giving in the Maxi challenges.

Aquaria - Y'all, I’m a fan... officially. She grew on me a lot this episode, but what sold it for me was taking her very small part that she dealt to herself, and absolutely SELLING it!



Miz Cracker - Girl. You in danger. I need my Cracker back, ASAP!

Kameron Michaels - Acting is clearly not a strong suit for Kameron, but girl you gotta give us something!

Eureka - If the producers don't start giving us a damn factual edit of Eureka... She needed the most coaching for one of the smallest roles, and tbh she should have aced this challenge.



The Runway category this week is Drag in 2069 realness. There were some hits, and then some swings and a misses this week.



Miz Cracker - Not that she needed to be clearly safe this week, but the Upper East Side Lady who may or may not work for a very famous fashion publication lewk was everything. She is nothing if not consistent on that runway.

Asia O'Hara - I totally bought what she was going for and really do see here walking around like that at Dragcon 2069 hawking her fanny packs to the masses.



Eureka - I didn't know that Paula Deen was staring in the Hocus Pocus remake.

Aquaria - That lewk won next seasons challenge of hipster grandma realness, but for this runway it was a miss.

Monet - Girl. RuPaul done told you a million times to get bigger hair, and then you come out like that? If it was my ass I would be stacking all of the wigs so high that shit can't fit through the werkroom doors.

Asia ends up being the winner of the week thanks to another major swing and a miss for Monet on the runway. Kameron and Eureka rightfully end up in the bottom two and must lip sync.



Right from the jump you can tell that both girls REALLY want to stay. For me, this came all down to the performance of the song. I thought that Kameron embodied the spirit and energy of the song way better than Eureka did. My eye kept going to Kameron, I wanted to see what she was going to do next, and that's how you win a lip sync. Kameron clearly won the lip sync in my eyes, but I am not RuPaul or a producer team the loves Eureka so...

To be fair, both girls end up slaying and Eureka proved that knee aint shaky dear, in what was one of the better lip syncs of the season. I still think if you were going to do a double shantay, it should've been with Dusty and Monet so that girls earlier in the season get a better chance to shine and Ru-deem themselves.


Stray Observations

  • Abby and Ilana have fully redeemed the guest judge role from what was that homophobic Billy Eichner  we got last week.

  • The Vixen presence might have been what was keeping the show together, because I dunno bout y'all but I felt like that episode took 4 hours to get through.

  • There's no new episode this week. The rest of this season will mostly play out in June with the finale airing on the 28th. Just 5 more episodes in what feels like the longest season ever.


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