Black Friday: Missing Teens, Black President and Frank Ocean drops that flame


Welcome to Black Friday, y'all!

It’s not your one-stop shop for black news (prioritize black people all the time), but do check in for a corner of black-centric news—preferably of the queer and femme nature.


Please take a moment to google “black girls missing in D.C.” and tell me there’s not a serious problem. The issue highlighted by a viral thread of D.C. police department Twitter posts shows over ten teens missing in less than a week and it hasn’t gotten much mainstream press. The DCPD have released a statement, expressing that the thread of tweets is not an indication of an uptick in abductions, but rather that the department is using social media as a new method which is heightening public awareness. Still there are many concerns to be had here.  

Not only is this an extremely high number, but many familiar with the D.C. area have stated concern about how distant these abductions have occurred from each other. Also why so many black and latinx girls? Where is the press? Where are the search parties? Why are these faces reduced to a Facebook status instead of the situation being given the epidemic status it deserves? Let us not also forget that this is amidst so many other ongoing crisis in the US in reference to missing black women and sex trafficking, especially in D.C. Many are putting the pressure on news outlets, but as the days pass we are still left wishing for more.



In politics, we seem to have made a step towards the representation quota for both black and gay, as Raphael Bostic has been selected as the next president and CEO of The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Bostic being the first black president president of the ATL Fed Reserve breaks a 104-year-old racial barrier. This announcement will also make him the first openly gay president of any of the Fed’s twelve regional banks.

There is a propensity for many of us Atlantan’s to tout the fair city as the cradle for civil rights, and I’m just happy this milestone could be coupled with a reason for my gay black ass to further yet another agenda. In all seriousness, Bostic looks to be a promising choice in this decision. Hopefully, with his stint as assistant secretary at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development against discrimination, and other work focusing on housing, public policy and finance, Bostic will bring social issues to the institution that uses monetary policy as a blunt instrument with limited liability for some demographics.

“He is a seasoned and versatile leader, bringing with him a wealth of experience in public policy and academia,” says Atlanta Fed board chairman, Thomas A. Fanning in a prepared statement.  “Raphael also has significant experience leading complex organizations and managing interdisciplinary teams. He is a perfect bridge between people and policy.”


Last up we got your favorite fuckboi of the decade, Frank “dropped a pin in the Ocean to come fight me and not show up on the right day.” Throughout his Apple digital radio stream titled Blonded, Frank released a myriad of versions of his first single since the August release of Blonde. Serenading us once again with cascading melodies and that good ole emotional swooning, this new take on Chanel has evoked many a think piece and buzz.  The track treads lines of duality, down from the lyricism to the mix of melodic experimentation versus vocal prominence, all with the same raw emotion we’ve come to expect from Frank.

In a refreshing take, Ocean’s bisexuality takes more of a comfortable seat as most pop stars would refrain from the gender line switch when speaking of romantic/sexual affairs. It couldn’t feel more appropropriate, tracking the tale of his career and artistry. The lyrics roll along, spinning a contemporary tale that’s hypnotic and easy to get of get lost in, but can feel so familiar. Quite personally, it leaves me with a sense of drive and peace, although for some reason, there’s a bit of heartbreak in there—like a confident stumble from a strained bravado. Coming after Blonde, this track returns from less of the heavy experimentation and trades it in for more of a bop, which is really all we’ve been asking for from Frank, and this seems to be a good direction.

I know I may be tough on Mr. Ocean due to pain experienced from his release choices, but he once again makes me forgive him with this track. It’s a diary laid bare in which you may see yourself, but the result is pure Frank. These are his carefully crafted words and experiences, across a pool of torrid emotion and that really shines through.  


Matt Jones is your average carefree black boi, community worker, and sensei. As an Atlanta based artist he dreams to foster community and advocate real change for issues involving but not limited to mental health, queer life, and POC disparity. 


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